Newsela | Content and assessment platform

Measurable gains for students

ESSA Tier II studies show users of Newsela products saw 3 additional months of literacy growth in ELA and 10 additional months of social studies instruction.

Instructional resources that connect and deliver


Teachers can introduce and assess any curricular topic with our vast library of standards-aligned content and range of flexible question types.

Premium products

Newsela premium products are a win for everyone. Teachers get to pick content and activities that level up their lessons. Schools and districts get rich data across classrooms. Plus, every student is supported.

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Newsela Lite and Formative Bronze provide a taste of our premium content, activities, and real-time data. Sign up for free.

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Monthly Content Calendar

Timely Newsela resources for each weekday of the month.


Introducing Newsela Writing

Join our webinar for administrators with New York Times bestselling author Jennifer Serravallo to explore the latest research on the science of writing and a teacher workshop to launch an exciting student writing challenge to boost engagement this winter.

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