Newsela launched in 2013 with a bold mission: Meaningful classroom learning for every student. Today, our team constantly strives to deliver powerful solutions that inspire our users.
Newsela certifications provide a pathway for professional growth. They also deepen your understanding of how Newsela works. Start your journey to practice literacy skills, build background knowledge and include diverse perspectives in your lessons.
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Learn why these star teachers and school leaders became NCEs
"I am so glad I decided to become a Newsela Certified Educator. The articles that align with books are my favorite. I use them to extend my reading lessons and broaden my students' perspective on issues."
Theresa Stapf
Reading Specialist Virginia
"Using Newsela in my ELA classroom has allowed me to expand my own literary horizons and provide curated articles to my students on topics related to the fictional stories and novels that we are studying in class. Being a NCE has given me the confidence to develop text sets and create assignments that I can easily differentiate for my students."
Linda Kirk
Middle School ELA New Jersey
"As a district coach who supports social studies teachers, it has been amazing to have the NCE background. I walked the walk of creating text sets and lessons focusing on literacy in social studies. This experience helped me to help teachers build lessons that are impactful for their students."
Kristen Montagano
Digital Literacy Specialist Oregon
"The collaboration with the Fellows group was a great source of inspiration for me. Being a Fellow provided me with an excellent way to increase student and teacher engagement with Newsela in my school district."
Yvonne Gray
Instructional Technology Coach California
"Previously, I just used the articles and quizzes, now I am able to do so much more. I can find more curated collections for my students and love learning how other teachers are using Newsela with their students."
Thomas Haynes
4th Grade Teacher Wisconsin
Content and insights from Newsela Certified Educators
Putting Faulkner's Mississippi in Context
This novel study helps students build background knowledge and explore the setting and time period of As I Lay Dying. NCE Sarah Becker’s lesson helps students understand the global and national scope of the novel and provides more context beyond the author's setting.
This novel study helps students make text-to-text connections to better understand the themes, plot, and characters of Booked. Zoretta Sanders-Howard’s lesson guides students to cite textual evidence using a diverse collection of Newsela content.
This text set teaches students the historical context of the U.S. Constitution. It also explores how leaders created the document through compromise and how it impacted different groups of people. Lauren Baier’s lesson helps include diverse perspectives in your instruction.
Newsela Fellows Aishia King and Tanisha Boyd share examples of how they support rigorous and joyful reading instruction through content knowledge, connection, and engagement.
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