Newsela for Texas

Unlock student motivation, inspire teachers, and drive long-lasting learning outcomes in Texas.

Newsela products are responsive to state-specific needs

From building student knowledge and skills in core subject areas to supporting daily instruction and assessment, Newsela helps Texas teachers engage, support, and grow every learner.

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We made Newsela's products bigger and better,

just for Texas

We know that Texas students have Texas-specific needs. Here's how Newsela supports some of the learning priorities that are local to you.

Meet the needs of your unique classroom and community

Included in the extensive Newsela Social Studies library, educators will find state-specific collections specifically designed to help them create learning experiences that resonate with students' lives and cover essential standards and initiatives.

Schedule a demo today to get a deeper dive into how Newsela supports your local needs.

Our Products

Deliver engaging lessons that encourage students to practice skills, build knowledge, and include diverse perspectives.

Drive meaningful student outcomes with content-rich literacy instruction.

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social studies compound logo

Prepare the next generation of citizens with relevant and responsive materials, all in one place.

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science large logo

Integrate science and literacy to inspire the scientist in every learner.

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Formative compound logo

Bring educators together for collaborative daily instruction and assessment.

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Save teacher's time and help students become better writers with real-time, rubric-aligned feedback in grades 4-12.

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Resources for Texas educators

In-depth resources to help Texas educators drive student outcomes.

Success Story

How Garland ISD Built Background Knowledge With Newsela Social Studies To Bring Lessons to Life for All Learners

Read the story
Efficacy Study & Validity Report

Newsela ELA Quizzes Are a Robust Indicator of ELA Achievement in Texas

Read the report

Prepare for STAAR 2.0 with Newsela and Formative


"One of the things I like most about Newsela is that you can adjust the reading levels. If you’re differentiating a passage in the classroom, you can have students reading the same story at different levels so they can be successful at their level of entry."

Esther Bellah

SLAR Coordinator

"We use Newsela ELA in our social studies and science classes as well. It helps us bridge the gap between subjects and practice skills in context."

Dr. Amber Hope

Secondary Director of Integrated Literacy Studies

"In social studies, and also in life, we need to have background knowledge. I think these types of articles give students the opportunity to develop that background knowledge and apply it. It really levels the playing field and drives interest on their part."

John Hatch

Social Studies Coordinator

What educators are saying about Newsela

See what your fellow educators have to say about using Newsela's products to power their classrooms.

Ground skills practice in authentic content.

Ready to bring authentic, impactful instruction to your students?
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