Newsela for New York

Unlock student motivation, inspire teachers, and drive long-lasting learning outcomes in New York State.

Newsela products are responsive to state-specific needs

From building student knowledge and skills in core subject areas to supporting daily instruction and assessment, Newsela helps New York teachers engage, support, and grow every learner.

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We built Newsela's products with an Empire State

of mind

We know that New York students have New York-specific needs. Here's how Newsela supports some of the learning priorities that are local to you. Available for purchase on BOCES and ShopDOE.

Meet the needs of your unique classroom and community

Included in the extensive Newsela Social Studies library, educators will find state-specific collections specifically designed to help them create learning experiences that resonate with students' lives and cover essential standards and initiatives.

Schedule a demo today to get a deeper dive into how Newsela supports your local needs.

Our Products

Deliver engaging lessons that encourage students to practice skills, build knowledge, and include diverse perspectives.

Drive meaningful student outcomes with content-rich literacy instruction.

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social studies compound logo

Prepare the next generation of citizens with relevant and responsive materials, all in one place.

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science large logo

Integrate science and literacy to inspire the scientist in every learner.

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Formative compound logo

Bring educators together for collaborative daily instruction and assessment.

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Save teacher's time and help students become better writers with real-time, rubric-aligned feedback in grades 4-12.

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Resources for New York educators

In-depth resources to help New York educators drive student outcomes.


Support New York State Culturally Responsive Assessment Practices

Watch on demand

Stop the 8th Grade Slump: Bridging the Gap Between “Learn to Read” and “Read to Learn,” Featuring Natalie Wexler

Watch on demand

"Newsela allows students to access and understand content no matter what their reading level is. With authentic, real-world tests to choose from, even the most reluctant readers can find something they like."

English Teacher New York City

"Newsela is a big hit and now is a necessity. We really appreciate your support."

New Rochelle, NY

"The PD that you provide for teachers in how they incorporate reading skills in their science classrooms...writing across content areas...that is challenging. We talk about how Newsela works within our curriculum, whatever unit I'm teaching, whatever the essential questions are."

Schenectady City School District

What educators are saying about Newsela

See what your fellow educators have to say about using Newsela's products to power their classrooms.

Ground skills practice in authentic content.

Ready to bring authentic, impactful instruction to your students?
Get in touch with our team