A relevant and engaging instructional content platform designed to complement your ELA, social studies, and science curriculum.
Newsela knows Virginia
Explore Virginia content
Resources for Virginia educators
Accommodate the disciplinary literacy and SEL needs of all students equitably to address unfinished learning
Grounded instruction in inquiry and analysis aligned to New History and Social Study SOLs
Shed light on unheard perspectives and provide a comprehensive look at Virginia’s complex history
Increase the cultural proficiency of Virginia’s educator workforce
through culturally relevant teaching pedagogy
Curations, Lessons, and Customizations. Create custom activities, search for content by standard, curate Text Sets, and control the reading levels students experience.
Quizzes, Writing Prompts, and Assignments. Create and share customizable assignments and give students access to reading comprehension quizzes, customizable writing prompts, and annotations.
Aligned to Virginia State and Local Standards. Use Newsela to teach the standards and priorities of your school, district and the state of Virginia. We support leading frameworks, and commonly used curricula to ensure instruction is both engaging and driving learning.
English Standards of Learning (SOL)
History and Social Science Standards of Learning (SOL)
Science Standards of Learning (SOL)
“Newsela’s resources bring strength to the work of teachers to plan and implement quality learning experiences for students, integrating core content skills and even social emotional learning across the curricula.”
“Newsela helps teachers when it comes to the question, ‘Where do I start?’ In all the content areas you can look up and curate collections relevant to what you’re learning.”
Authentic, standards-aligned content that supports what matters most to Virginia schools.