Newsela for Louisiana
Newsela for LouisianaNewsela for Louisiana

Accelerate academic success for Louisiana students

A relevant and engaging instructional content platform designed to complement your ELA, social studies, and science curriculum.

Newsela knows Louisiana
Resources for Louisiana educators

Newsela knows Louisiana

  1. Empower teachers with engaging, relevant content to complement the ELA guidebooks

  2. Incorporate inquiry-based instruction to teach the full spectrum of historical events throughout Louisiana and the US

  3. Provide cross-curricular support with NGSS/inquiry-based content that aligns to state standards

Instructional supports to expand students' learning experience and engagement

Engagement Icon


Curations, Lessons, and Customizations. Create custom activities, search for content by standard, curate Text Sets, and control the reading levels students experience.

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Quizzes, Writing Prompts, and Assignments. Create and share customizable assignments and give students access to reading comprehension quizzes, customizable writing prompts, and annotations.

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Aligned to Louisiana State Standards. Use Newsela to teach the standards and priorities of your school, district and the state of Louisiana. We support leading frameworks, and commonly used curricula to ensure instruction is both engaging and driving learning.

  • K-12 Student Standards for English Language Arts

  • K-12 Student Standards for Social Studies

  • Louisiana Student Standards for Science (LSS)

Keep Louisiana students learning, wherever they are

Partnering with NWEA to marry assessment and content

You can now use MAP Growth scores from NWEA to deliver Newsela content to students at the reading level that’s just-right for them, accurately and automatically. So it’s faster and easier to differentiate instruction when it matters most.

Learn about NWEA and Newsela

Resources for Louisiana educators


Authentic, engaging content for Louisiana schools and districts


Preview content to Complement Guidebooks


Review our Research and Efficacy Study that backs up our Evidence-Based Approach


Content solutions across the curriculum

Authentic, standards-aligned content that supports the standards and mandates that matter to Louisiana schools.