Indiana Academic Standards-Aligned Content
Newsela for IndianaNewsela for Indiana

Accelerate academic success for Indiana students

Newsela knows Indiana

Differentiated, engaging content aligned to the Indiana Academic Standards - for every learner and subject.

  • Provides resources to help your district implement evidence-based literacy practices based on the Science of Reading.

  • Drives literacy with a focus on the IDOE-identified Standards in Essential Need of Support (SENS).

  • Support your social studies curriculum with content that resonates with students and responds to the history that is happening every day.

  • Integrates with NWEA MAP Growth data to provide instant reading levels for students.

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Meet our trusted Indiana partners

We partner with educators and leaders from around the state to meet your content and professional development needs.

Instructional supports to expand students' learning experience and engagement

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Curations, Lessons, and Customizations. Create custom activities, search for content by standard, curate Text Sets, and control the reading levels students experience.

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Quizzes, Writing Prompts, and Assignments. Create and share customizable assignments and give students access to reading comprehension quizzes, customizable writing prompts, and annotations.

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Aligned to Indiana State and Local Standards. Use Newsela to teach the standards and priorities of your school, district and the state of Indiana. We support leading frameworks, and commonly used curricula to ensure instruction is both engaging and driving learning.

  • Content aligns to Indiana Academic English Language Arts Standards

  • Content aligns to Indiana Academic Social Studies Standards

  • Content aligns to Indiana Academic Science Standards

Content that supports Indiana's instructional needs

Introducing Add-on Collection for Indiana

Newsela is proud to offer the Indiana Sixth Grade Civics Collection that aligns to Indiana state standards. Contact our team for more information.

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Resources for Indiana educators

Resources to help Indiana educators get the most from Newsela's content solutions


Newsela and the Science of Reading

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Are you revising your curriculum to meet standards?

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