Newsela products are proven to be effective for all learners by rigorous studies aligned to ESSA tiers for evidence.
We pride ourselves on conducting robust and rigorous qualitative and quantitative research to ensure that our solutions are engaging and effective.
This ESSA Tier II study examined literacy skill growth of elementary students in Dexter Community Schools in Michigan. Researchers compared students who used Newsela ELA weekly to a control group and found 4th-grade Newsela users achieved about three additional months of literacy skill growth compared to their non-Newsela peers. Newsela classes also read 44% more nonfiction texts than comparison classes.
This ESSA Tier II study compared about 2,500 diverse middle school students in a large urban district in California — half who used Newsela ELA twice per week, and half who did not use it at all. Newsela users scored higher than non-users on their state assessment by the equivalent of about 4 percentile points. Among Hispanic/Latino students, Newsela users outscored non-users by about 5 percentiles.
This ESSA Tier II study compared eighth grade students who used Newsela Social Studies weekly to their non-Newsela peers. The positive impact on achievement for Newsela users was the equivalent of an additional year of instruction, and was consistent across student race, gender, and language status.
Build knowledge and skills to support college, career, and civic readiness.
Develop students as writers with real-time writing support and feedback.
Grounded in the learning sciences and the science of reading.