Newsela for Kern County
Newsela for Kern County

Remote Learning Resources

Newsela and Kern County are working together to bring you resources to help ensure learning doesn't stop when schools close. With texts at 5 reading levels and mobile access via the Newsela Student app, instruction can remain accessible and equitable for every student.

Login instructions for teachers
Resources to help you get started

Authentic content from the most trusted names.
Over 11,000 texts available, with up to 10 new texts published every day.

See all 100+ sources

DPS educators and students have access to the following world-class content platforms for the 2021-2022 academic school year:

Newsela ELA

Newsela ELA addresses the literacy and content needs of all teachers across all subject areas.

Learn more

The Newsela SEL Collection

This CASEL-aligned, easy to use resource supports elementary, middle, and high school students in navigating mindfulness, self-awareness, and self-management.

Learn more

Logging In

When you log in:

Log into Canvas.

Open a published class in Canvas.

Click the Newsela link in the course navigation menu on the left side of the screen to open Newsela.

When you log in for the first time Newsela will ask you a few questions about your role and your school. Click here if you’re not sure how to respond.

Syncing Classes with Canvas

In Newsela, go to your Classes page by clicking your name in the upper right-hand corner and selecting the Classes tab from the settings menu.  

From the Classes tab, click Sync with Canvas to choose the classes to import from Canvas into Newsela.

From the pop up menu, choose the courses you would like to sync with Newsela and click ‘Sync Selected Classes’.

Do not sync Canvas PD courses with Newsela. Syncing courses in which teachers are enrolled as students will restrict will restrict access to features and content.

After the initial sync, class rosters will sync automatically when you log in through Canvas.

Rostering your Students

Your student roster will import when you sync your classes. To view your students in your Canvas classes in Newsela, follow these steps:

In Newsela, go to your Students page by clicking your name in the upper right-hand corner and select the Students tab from the settings menu.  

You’ll see a list of your students. This import might take a few minutes the first time you sync.

Getting started: Next steps for educators

In addition to signing in to their Newsela account, we recommend teachers utilize resources on the Educator Center to get familiar with the four products they now have. Here are some suggested resources to get started.

  1. Video: Welcome to Newsela Learn more about how Newsela can provide relevant, accessible, and engaging content for your students. 

  2. Flipped Classroom Toolkit This toolkit includes resources for virtually "flipping" your classroom. It includes resources such as unit planning templates, templatized parent letter, and regularly updated tools.

  3. Newsela Educator Center This is a one stop shop for all things Newsela-related. Need support with something? Want to see how others are using Newsela to facilitate learning? Want to bolster your Newsela capabilities? This is the spot.

  4. Video: Adding Students with Newsela if not Using Your District’s Rostering Tool This short video provides clear next steps on adding your students to Newsela so that you can see student activity and ensure they see assignments.